Thursday, October 25, 2012

App Top Ten

Apps Top Ten

1. Choose apps that go along with lessons in class.
2. Lots of education apps are free.  If you can get an app for free do.
3. Before purchasing the app read the reviews.
4. Before referring the app to parents play around with it and then tell parents about it.
5. Use apps in your class to help students understand subjects.
6. For the sight word app, use the pre-made lists.
7. You can also make your own cards for students to learn on the sight words app.
8. Make sure that the apps you use are children friendly that way kids can use them.
9. Don't make the purchase of apps mandatory.
10 Have fun and be creative with the apps you use.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sight Words Apple App

Sight Words App

            As an elementary school teacher I will be teaching students how to read and recognize sight words.  A free app called Sight Words is part of the Apple App store inventory. This is a great app that I think will be very useful for several reasons.  The first is that this app is centered on sight words that students in pre-school, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade need to learn.  This app also contains a list that contains nouns that students need to learn.  The app also a features a setting, that allows a student to hear how the word is pronounced.  It is also great because you can create your own lists and you can record your voice saying the words.  Another great use for this app, besides sight words, you can also use this for mathematics and any other lessons that use note cards.  Timing the use of slides is also a great option.  You can allow a student to go slow the first time through the list and increase the speed of the slides as their proficiencies increase.  There are also game options that students can play to help them learn the words.

            This app would be a great tool to use in a classroom.  You can use this app to help students one-on-one when they are learning sight words and in small groups.  You can use this to test students.  I will also use this as a tool when teaching students basic mathematical facts.     

            This is a great app that I will refer to parents to use at home, and I will use it as one of my teaching tools when working on items where note cards are beneficial.

PowerPoint Top Ten

PowerPoint Top Ten!!
1. Play around with the program before you begin making your presentation.
2. Select a background that works well with your presentation.
3. Play around with the format of the slides. But make sure they flow.
4. Use different fonts to help your presentation.
5. Play around with the animations. You can either animate the whole slide or the objects in the slide or do both.
6. Add images to the slides. You can also add a link to show a movie.
7. When recording your voice over make sure the room you are in is quite before you start recording.
8. Make sure you talk slowly. This way people can understand what you are saying.
9. When doing a recording make sure you give information that is not on the slide.
10. Have Fun!!!

Power Point

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Johnson Joyful Learning: Diversity and Learning MAT 605

Johnson Joyful Learning: Diversity and Learning MAT 605: IDEA IDEIA  Websites   While searching for information about IDEA or IDEIA 2004 I found IDEA Partnership located at http://www.ideapartn...