For MAT 605 Instruction and Behavior

"IDEA's Exact Words" and "The Short Story on Supplementary Aids and Services"

Here is a wonderful site that you can go to in order to get information regarding IDEA.
This web page discusses IEP's in detail most importantly about aids and services your child can receive. Supplementary aids and services are given to students who need additional help and they are also used in order to make sure that the student with special needs can be educated (as much as possible) with those who are in the general education classroom. These aids and services should be considered on an individual basis, because each student is different.
I found this web page to be very informative, because when you have a child with special needs all the information can be over whelming. It is nice to have short and condensed pieces of information so then you know what to expect. I will refer to this website when discussing individualized supplementary aides and service plans with parents.
Posted October 7, 2012 at 9:25 pm

Assisted Technologies

Here is a website for the Utah Augmentative Alternative Communication and Technology Teams
This website presents several wonderful choices in helping your student with school. Here are three of my favorites.
This website gives additional support to help students in math. They offer help starting in Kindergarten and ending at Algebra 1. This is a great help for not just students with special needs but for all students. I will recommend this to any family who needs additional math support.
2. Family Village
This website is designed for people with special needs, families with member who have special needs and professionals. What I love about this website is that it is for a person who has special needs not just the family members. This website gives information, and resources to help persons with disabilities. I will tell people about this website since it is such a well rounded resource.
3. Utah State Office of Special Education.
This is a wonderful resource to have because it gives the information about services, and assessments that is helpful to know when you have a child with special needs. I will give this website to parents when we first start working with them. That way they know what is going on and what will be needed for the future. This website is a must for anyone who has a child with special needs in Utah public schools.

Posted October 7, 2012 at 9:57 pm


Here is a link to the minstep website.
Mindsteps is a website that provides a partnership with teachers in the classroom. One resource Mindsteps provides is that of differentitated instruction which means realizing and understand how people are different and how to teach students of all abilitys and making sure that they are learning. This is important because not every child learns the same so as teachers we have to use different teaching techniques in the classroom.
Here is a reference quide to Differentiated Instruction:

Here is a planning sheet from Mindset:

Here is an example of a unit plan I have chosen the U.S. History plan.
History Differentiated Unit Plan

I love the idea of this website. These items give a great step by step plan to how to implement differentiated instruction. I will use this as a great guide when I become a teacher.
Posted October 15, 2012 at 2:49 pm


This is a link to the Serge website.
This website gives general education teachers a resource to help when teaching students with special needs. They give 7 questions that help general education teachers.
This question discusses how to arrange the classroom to ensure that all students can learn. Their is also a resource that they give to help teachers better understand this.
This article discusses the importance of including students with special needs this way they feel acceptance in the class room.
The second question I would like to discuss is:
This question is very important in my opinion. As a teacher I need to make sure that I am doing all that I can to help the students. RTI is an important part of that.
They give this additional resource to answer this question about the role of RTI and in this article they give a detail explanation of RTI and Early Intervention. A wonderful source for all teachers.
In order to make sure that my students receive the best education collaboration is a must.
This is so important because teaching a child with disabilities can seem daunting. It really helps when you can have help from other teachers. I really liked this resource they give.
This website gives great information about all different kinds of disabilities. For any teacher knowing about this website is a must!!!
All together I found the Serge website a helpful tool as a general education teacher. I will use this website when I teach.
Posted October 29, 2012 At 4:52 p.m.

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