Thursday, November 8, 2012

Video Editing Top Ten!!!

Top Ten for Editing Video!!!
1.  Download the video you want to edit on your computer.
2.  Have your topic in mind before you start making your video.
3.  Before you start editing watch the video.
4.  Play around with splitting your video before making the video.
5.  Make all your clips before you make your video.
6.  Be okay with restarting your edit.  Sometimes it helps to restart if you mess up.
7.  Do not rush.  Video editing takes time.
8.  Use transitions to help your video.
9.  Play your video thru several times to make sure your transitions work.
10.Have Fun!!

Video that I edited

Webquest Top Ten!!!

Top Ten for Webquest!!

1.  Use the Utah Core as a guideline to your webquest.
2.  Use the webquest as a part of your lesson.  Not the whole thing.
3.  Use several websites.  Most of mine are from NASA.
4.  Use pictures to enhance the assignment.
5.  Do not make the assignment to long. 
6.  Make the assignment fun.
7. Allow students to do this with partners.
8. Use the webquest to cover multiple content areas. My webquest covers science and a little bit of     language arts.
9.  Great activity for centers.
10. Understand that this takes time. 


Here is a webquest. I hope you enjoy!!