Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Assessment Template

This is a sample report for special education. This is a great example of what needs to be included in a report for a student who is being evaluated for the special education program. This is a great resource for parents who are doing this for the first time. I will send parents to this website so they begin to understand what will appear in the report.

RTI, CBM, and Dynamic Learning Maps

Response to Intervention: I found the website ritap.org. http://www.ritap.org/rti/about/faq.php
This website is a great introduction to Response to Intervention with guidelines and helpful suggestions when you implement RTI in the classroom as well as the process that you go through as a teacher. This website is based on information from Rhode Island so the process will be slightly different here in Utah.
When teaching I will use this website as a helpful guide when using RTI in the classroom.
Curriculum Based Measurement: From Student Progress.org http://www.studentprogress.org/families.asp
This website gives information on CBM but the answers are not for just teachers but a great resource for parents as well.
As a teacher I know I will be using CBM but it is helpful to have resources that are for the parents as well as the teachers. I will give this website to parents to help them understand the process.
Dynamic Learning Maps: http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/
I know very little about Dynamic Learning Maps.
This is an assessment that is for students who are in severe special education classrooms. This is a great resource to have when serving students who might be using this map as an alternative assessment.

Assessment accommodations

This is a an online article from the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. The article was originally published in October 2010.
This article is a great steeping stone for stating why students need accommodations and deciding what accommodations that you can and should use when assessing students with disabilities.
I found this article very informative and will plan on using this as well as the other valuable information contained on this website.

Ethical Considerations for Assessment

This is from the Council for Exceptional Children:

On this page the CEC gives guidelines for ethical standards for giving assessments in school and working with children who have specific needs.
This is important information to have because, as teachers we want to make sure that we do what is ethically right for our students.
When I start teaching in my own class I will refer to these guidlines and articles to do what is best for my students.